17 April 2009


Hmm, what?

Yeah, I'm having a quite good sleep this past few nights. I hope that it is good enough for me to give me energy for the next few nights when I will be mugging for my final exam.

Actually, I like this semester. I got a lot of new friends, a lot of good things happen, and most of it, my timetable is very good. No class in Wednesday, no class below 10am. The exam is spreading, make it easier to study and revise all the module.

Yeah, hope I can do well in my final exam. :)


Have you heard about Susan Boyle?

First, Susan Boyle is a sensation in British. She is a contestant in the newest season of "Britain's Got Talent", where she was underestimated when walking to the stage. Born with learning disabilities as a result of birth problem, Susan often being teased by children in her village.

When judge Simon Cowell (sure, you must be familiar with this name) asked her who she wants to be as famous as, she spontaneously answered "Elaine Paige". Considering Elaine Paige as one of the biggest name in British singing world, all the audiences were laughing.

She sang "I dreamed a dream" from the musical "Les Miserables". She shocked the audiences with her amazing performance and got standing ovations from the audiences, including judge Amanda Holden and Piers Morgan.

Quoting from Amanda Holden from her comment after Boyle's performance, "I am so thrilled because I know that everybody was against you. I honestly think that we were all being very cynical and I think that's the biggest wake up call ever. And I just want to say that it was a complete privilege listening to that."

More than that, she set a new record in Youtube. One of the video with her performance received more than 11 millions views in just 5 days after the video is posted. The number now is 17 millions-plus views and keep growing. That's only from one video. If you collect the number of views of the videos from various user containing her performance, the number will reach 25 millions-plus.

I will give you the youtube link, since embedded is not allowed, and let you watch her performance. You can watch her performance here

This new internet sensation gives me a lesson, never judge a book by its cover. Even though she looks a bit awkward, her talent is awesome. Again, never judge a book by its cover.


13 April 2009


I wish that I will have a good sleep tonite. For sure. After all these project and paper, I really really crave for a good and long sleep. Hufh~~

I really really tired now. Really. The past few nights I rarely had enough sleep.

Yeah, by the way, happy Easter. Last Saturday we have a Good Friday party in Bukit Batok and it is awesome! Great job, FCBC Indon Guys!

Yup. I need to go back to work now. See ya.

09 April 2009


Tatkala mentari terbangun dari tidurnya
Tatkala pagi menyapa dengan indahnya
Tatkala burung membunyikan kicaunya
Tatkala embun membasahi dunia

aku melihat damai
di pucuk dedaunan
di rerumputan yang basah oleh hujan

Ingin rasanya bergerak
menghirup udara dingin
yang pelan bertiup
memberikan sensasi tersendiri

aku tak bisa
aku tak bisa
aku hanya bisa


07 April 2009



Aku hendak bersyukur
Ya, aku hendak bersyukur
Untuk kebaikanNya
Untuk kasihNya

Sebab Dia
dengan segala keagunganNya
masih mempedulikan diriku
manusia nan hina dina ini

Segala kejadianku
dahsyat dan ajaib
apa yang tak pernah kupikirkan
apa yang tak pernah kudengar
segalanya terjadi
segalanya kau berikan padaku

Aku terpesona
Ya, aku terpesona

06 April 2009


A little prayer from a guy who is undecided what he should do

Help me
I don't know
I really don't know
What to do
How to do
When to do
Where to do

In the middle of the night
when I was in the darkness
Let Your Light shine
Let there be wisdom
So that I can choose
So that I can do the best
Thus I achieve
The goal You have set for me

God, help me
Help me
You are my only hope
Only You that have the knowledge
to answer my question

God, forgive me
I might have done something wrong
But, I believe
You are there for me
in my side
Help me out
so that
I can do everything
within Your power and strength

God, help me
In the name of Jesus I pray

03 April 2009


Apakah Tuhan itu ada?

Jujur, tadi gw ikut persekutuan dan apa yang dibagiin beneran jadi berkat buat gue. Apakah TUHAN itu ada?

Selama ini, gue yakin dan percaya kalo TUHAN itu ada. Kenapa? Karena gue yakin. Iman percaya gue berkata kalo Tuhan itu ada.

Tapi, hari ini gue belajar kalo misalnya Tuhan itu ada karena ada pengalaman yang kita alami mengenai kedahsyatan Tuhan. Mengenai apa yang sudah Dia kerjakan dalam hidup gue dan apa yang Dia rencanakan dalam hidup gue. Dahsyat.


Well, beberapa hari belakangan ini gue suka ngepost puisi, itu puisi yang gue temuin pas ngedig folder lama gue. Haha.

Oh ya, Selasa kemaren gue dipilih jadi Welfare Head buat PINUS, Perhimpunan Indonesia NUS. Satu tanggung jawab yang gak bakal gue sia-siain. :)

Dan, aplikasi gue buat ikut TECH CREW juga diterima. So, gue bakal spend sebagian liburan gue di kampus, ngerjain kerjaan buat persiapin orientasi tahun depan.

Hufh, project-project gue udah mulai satu-satu selesai. Pikiran ini udah mulai lega. Haha. Hufh.

Yeah. Makin dekat dengan ujian, makin tegang gue, tapi makin excited karena udah mau balik ke Jakarta.


Hmm, last but not least, ada 6 orang temen gw di facebook ulang tahun hari ini. Pertanyaannya, what is the probability that 6 of my 704 friends are having birthday today??


02 April 2009

Surat untuk Ibu Pertiwi

untuk Indonesiaku

Ibu, jangan menangis
Melihat alam bergolak sadis
Ku tahu pasti hatimu miris
Tak tahu kapan bencana ini 'kan habis

Ibu, jangan bersedih
Meski murka Tuhan sedang mendidih
Kau tahu pasti hatiku pedih
Menyaksikan Indonesia sedang merintih

Ibu, ayo bangkit
Masa silam jangan ungkit
Ku tak mau dirimu sakit
Karena ini masa yang sulit

Ibu, mari bekerja
Meski pasti banyak kendala
Yakinlah Tuhan s’lalu serta
B’ri mentari bagi yang dicinta

01 April 2009


untuk Robert

Malam datang, tapi mengapa aku jadi jenuh?
Seakan, ada orang yang membuang isi otaknya kemari.

Malam datang, dan aku harus tidur.
Lihat, tukang roti sudah menjaja.

Dengan pengeras suara,
keliling kampung, dia berteriak,
"Roti baru atau basi?
Baru sudah pasti!"

Hey, mengapa jadi sebuah tawa?
Lihat, ada orang yang membuat sepenggal puisi gila.