02 November 2008

An Important 3 Week Period

Yuhuuu! Wassap!

Well, final exam is in 3 weeks time, so must study hard and harder. Yuhuu!

So, nowadays I've been very busy with a lot of jobs. Homework, project, lab report, and also revising my notes in order to prepare myself for final exam.

I've made a promise with my self about this. I will disappear from messenger, facebook, youtube, and friendster for a while. Cos I need more time to study and prepare. However, I'll keep my self in this blog as I need to keep you readers informed about my condition and my feeling. So, I'll post again later this week, as you're not gonna meet me in facebook, friendster, or messenger. Thanks for all your understanding of my condition, as you all know that my exam is very important, right?

Cheers and see ya!

PS : Happy birthday to Kak Gondo, wish you all the best for your life, let you be a maximized man in your work place and let God be with you always.

PPS : Thanks also to Ko Ardi for the birthday present. I read it as soon as I have time to do it. Thanks.


joker said...

Have a good time studying. don forget to get a rest.
God bless!

El-Uzzay said...

We all pray and support you for your success. Have a great 3-weeks period.